Rituals To Start The New Year
2022 was a crazy year where we all as a nation was trying to catchup with the backlog of things that needed to be done. Over the course of the year, I have experimented and tried out several types of rituals and have picked the ones that have worked which I will continue to use in 2023.
So here are the top rituals that I will be continuing to use in 2023.
- Cleansing
- Setting intentions instead of goals and resolutions
- Brain dumping
- Mindset work
- Mirror work
- Connecting in with my feminine energies
- Carrying crystals with me
- Apothecary
- Witchcraft or Magick
Cleansing Ritual for 2023
The two cleansing methods that I will be implementing in 2023 are:
- Water Visualisation
New Year Resolution versus Intentional Goal Setting
New year resolutions have always failed to work for me, it just seems to just make me feel overwhelmed and stressed. In the middle of 2022, I decided to set intentional goals instead of new year resolutions. The aim of intentional goal setting is to set achievable goals for yourself. You could do this through a vision board, a checklist, or through the notes section on your phone. Personally, I use a checklist I keep in my room and on my phone. I then further break down the checklist to daily things I can do to accomplish my goals.
An example in my checklist was to manifest $1000
How I broke this to daily tasks was I downloaded the shopback app which gives you money back for your purchases. I have used the Shopback app for 10 months and made $358 on the purchases I have brought.
I also use Microsoft Edge when I buy my purchases on a desktop. Microsoft edge has an inbuilt coupon finder. It will search the web for coupons and apply it to your cart. I have saved and manifested $1200 by doing this.
Brain Dumping
Brain dumping has helped me go to sleep at night because my brain goes a hundred miles an hour as soon as I put my head on the pillow. To stop my brain from racing I keep a notebook by my bedside table and write everything down that is on my mind when I am in bed. The best part is it doesn't have to make sense, the main thing here is that you write whatever that is on your mind on that paper.
Mindset Tips for the New Year
One of the key takeaways I will be implementing is shadow work. When you find that something someone has said or done is triggering you, ask yourself why is this triggering me? When you write down your reasoning on why you are feeling triggered, then ask yourself what you can do to change this. From here ask yourself is there something or someone I need to let go, is there someone or something that is not serving my higher purpose.
Mirror Work
Mirror work has been a gateway to my self-love journey. Using the mirror to tell yourself the things you need to hear is such a powerful tool, and an absolute game changer. So how do you do mirrorwork?
Every morning look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself these 5 things.
1. What is something about your physical appearance that your love? An example of this is I have amazing eyes. I have an amazing smile.
2. What is something about you that you have achieved, owned, or something you have that makes you happy or proud. An example of this could be I am an incredible friend/mother/sister/brother/father. I am so proud of myself for finishing this book. I am so proud of myself for purchasing my car, I am so proud of myself for investing in myself.
3. What is something about yourself that you find mentally attractive? An example of this I am proud of myself for putting up boundaries with my friends and family. I am so proud of myself for being culturally aware. I am so proud that I am self-aware.
4. What is something that is emotionally attractive about you? An example of this is I am such a caring person, I am such a compassionate person, I am such a supportive person.
5. What is something spiritual about yourself that you like? These are the values you have within yourself. An example of this could be I am so proud that I value my personal boundaries, I am so proud that I value my bond between my friends/family/co-workers.
Connecting With Your Feminine Energy
Feminine energy is a broad subject, but what worked for me was paint by numbers, and getting creative with my daughter. This helps me clear my mind and get back into the moment when my mind is full.
Crystals You Need to Carry with You
Crystals I religiously carry with me and will continue to are amethyst heart, double terminated lithium quarts, agate polished palm. These three has helped me get through my anxiety and calm myself when I feel things are getting to be too much. While I hold the crystals, I do box breathing. Box breathing is where you inhale for the count of four and exhale for the count of four.
Apothecary is a great way to get into the feminine energy. Ways you can achieve this is by
- Creating a tea with herbs
- Putting herbs such as rose petals into your bath
- Make a potpourri mix and store them in a mesh bag
Magick Witchcraft to Incorporate Into 2023
Candle magick has been the winner in my rituals. Each time I do candle magick I tune into my intuition and my intention; this helps me figure out what other things I may need to complete it. Some things I have included in my magick practice is apothecary, heat proof bowl, crystals, sigils, salt and symbols.